Baton Rouge office now open. To schedule call 225-431-5930
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Avery Ewing
Hi! My name is Avery and I am a certified therapy dog that works along side my mom—Bess! I love meeting new friends and getting all the pets. I am great at helping teach respect and boundaries while also providing comfort throughout your session. Did you know people say having a dog present can help reduce levels of anxiety and enhance positive mood? Interactions with animals have been said to decrease levels of cortisol (the stress related hormone) and lower blood pressure! I am 79lbs of fluff but sometimes forget how big I am and will try to crawl into your lap. I may even try give you few kisses. If you think I would help you during your session and don’t mind a little shedding, just let my mom know! No promises I wont try to give you a hug.
Unfortunately my mom won't allow me to have my own you can call the office.